3 years ago

We all deserved to have this info a year ago so WE could make an informed decision for what is best for us. Not rely on the corrupt gov/media to do it for us. If you are not questioning why our gov/media has not talked about any/all of this, then you are NOT doing your part to secure our republic. If you’d know any number of these facts before, would you have pushed back harder? We are in the final countdown from freedom to systematic global slavery. Will your children/grandchildren live to talk about what your fight for their life, liberty and freedom? Or will they be born into a system of control, fear, and manipulation because you sat back in silence?

Even if you are just now waking up to the number of lies and manipulations, IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO SAY NO! United we stand.

#idonotconsent #iwillnotcomply

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