Why People Cheat in Relationships

3 years ago

Topic: Extra-Relationship Sex / Cheating – Love & Human Sexuality Series

Extra-Relationship Sex / Cheating - People who marry in U.S. society usually make a public vow to be (sexually) faithful to the partner, to be monogamous. In the past, those who found it impossible to keep the vow engaged in adultery (sex with someone other than the spouse), and usually tried to hide the activity. As many as 1/3 of people dating, cohabiting and married, report one or more instances of having sex with someone other than their partner (Hyde, 2017).

Extra-Relationship Sex refers to sexual activity involving a person in a long-term committed relationship (exclusive dating, cohabiting, or married) and someone other than the person’s long-term partner. If the couple is married, this is referred to as adultery or an affair. If the person is not married, it is often referred to as cheating (White, 2020).

Dr. Bev Knox is a professor and author…

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For over 25 years, Professor Knox has conducted research on human behavior and motivation, especially in the areas of positive psychology and personal development as demonstrated in her vast body of professional endeavors. Her awards include: Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition by Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro; Official Citation given by the Office of the State Comptroller in CT; University Presidential Recognition for Teaching Excellence; Professor of the Year 2017; and Small Business Award Recognition.
Professor Knox has also been a featured guest on numerous television and radio shows. She has hosted events, benefits, and other special programming. Her upbeat attitude comes from her empowered sense of self by serving and encouraging others.

Professor Knox is experienced in course development of higher education curriculums. Teaching experience in the following college level courses “onsite” and “online” includes: Abnormal Psychology, Consumer Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Psychological Concepts, Educational Psychology, Psychology of Sexuality, Exceptional Child, Hate Crimes, Forensic Psychology, Social Psychology, History & Systems, Cognitive Psychology, I/O Psychology, Adolescent Psychology, Psychology of Adulthood, Theories of Personality, Child Psychology, Health Psychology (both undergraduate and graduate), Life Span Development, Introduction to Psychology, General Psychology I & II, Psychology of Learning, Child Development, Group Therapy, Group Dynamics, Counseling Psychology, Conflict Management and Mediation, Seminar in Behavior Therapy, Intro to Sociology, Ethics and Diversity, Speech Communications, Religion in the Workplace, and Preparation for College Study. Other teaching experience includes over 40+ personal development courses.


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