Why Do Dogs Eat Poop...

3 years ago

As humans, we find the thought of eating feces revolting, but if you see your best friend devouring some delectable doggy doody. Keep your eyes peeled. That's his way of alerting you to the possibility that something is wrong.

Then why would a dog prefer feces to a tasty bowl of kibble? Let's take a look at nature. A dog's diet in the wild helps the environment. The dog consumes the prey in its entirety. Anything from the prey, like vital organs, guts, bones, and everything else. The right amount of digestive enzymes and nutrients are naturally present in this raw meal for your dog.

This is not the case for kibble-heavy, overheated, highly refined dog food. Dogs can produce enzymes, but not enough to effectively complete the digestive process.

Your dog won't consume nutrients from their diet if they don't have the main components for digestive health, so what happens to those nutrients that aren't digested? You guessed correctly. It's poop.

Fortunately, nature devised an icky fail-safe to prevent your dog from contracting illnesses and illness as a result of a bad diet. Since the stool he just pooped is full of nutrients he didn't get in, he'll crave and consume it.

Not quite appetizing, but a perfect indication that something needs to improve because, without absorption, your buddy may be suffering from extreme deficiencies, which could contribute to muscle weakness, injuries, cancer, autoimmune and infectious disorders, and even death.

So, what are your options? Keep in mind the wolf.

Since nature knows what's best for the leader of your pack, feed your dog a diet of raw organ meat and pure, vitamin-packed ingredients usually reserved for the alpha.

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