242: "No One Wants to Work Anymore" and They Deserve NOTHING w. Gary Collins

3 years ago

As the money printer goes "brrr" and "free stuff" is passed out like presents in the purgatory Christmas loop that is COVID-19, employers are having a predictably difficult time convincing people to let go of their cozy "free money" and get back to work... oh, and our economy is kinda tanking, but I'm sure that's totally unrelated...

On today's episode, I am joined by author, podcaster, and self-help / self-reliance expert, Gary Collins to discuss the latest laziness trends, what caused them, how they are and will continue to impact our society, and what we can do to overcome it.

Gary had spent half his life in military intelligence, and as a federal agent, when one day he realized he was the unhappiest he had ever been, and felt his life lacked real purpose. Instead of giving up and just being another “widget” in today’s society, he decided to do something about it. Thus began his journey to finding The Simple Life, and teaching others the same was born. Gary has changed uncountable lives for over a decade through his teachings, best-selling books, and podcast. He has one question for you: “Are you ready to start living the life you want, or the one you’ve been told to live?”

Question EVERYTHING. Stay uncomfortable.
Let’s get weird.

Guest & Sponsor Links:

Gary Collins: https://thesimplelifenow.com

Brave Botanicals (Kratom / Delta 8 THC):
Promo Code: TSID

The Royal Green Series:

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