3 years ago

A leader is someone that has the guts to stand out and not be afraid to be ridiculed. Leaders are closers and are always positive. Negative people are losers, and they are unsuccessful. Closers are a unique breed they love to take money from others because they understand that is how you make money. People are jealous of closers because not everyone can be one. It takes a personality and charisma to be a closer along with skill.
Stores have got to stop training on the same training methods. General managers need to mix it up, try The Car Sharker because we train on taking money from the customer with a smile. If you are easily offended by this approach, it is probably because you are a negative person. Closers love people and they can make friends when they want. People buy from people that why closers are the most important person in the dealership. Rather you are closing the product or the figures.#carsharker #automotive #training #money #seminar #cardealer #sharkcloser

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