Reading/Commentary On Book of Revelation (2/x)

3 years ago

We’re going to keep on reading the book of revelation and just going through it. It’s just sort of a conversation commentary and there’s fun pictures and stuff. It’s all fun, so come along.

Here’s the audio like I said,

If you ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord, and repent of your sins, and repent of your religion and religiousNess, and believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and son of God the Messiah the Christ, and believe that he rose from the dead, you will be saved. Are you sorry for the things you’ve done bad? Do you recognize that they have eternal consequences? Do you want relationship with God? Do you wanna get rid of those sins and get relationship with God and be born again to be a new person in God’s kingdom? Receive Jesus as your God Lord and Savior today. He’s a person he’s out there, you can talk to him and he’ll hear you. Just say so, and it will happen.

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