Ethics : The Rule of Law

3 years ago

The War on Drugs has often displayed some of the worst abuses concerning the coercive power of the State; incarceration rates are high, families have been separated, and liberty attacked. To make matters worse, these insidious effects fall disproportionally against vulnerable minority and indigent groups. This has often been justified as a means to achieve a more just society, where drug use would be less prevalent and society more orderly. However, it's indisputable that decades after the War on Drugs was declared it has failed to curb drug use and caused enormous problems both at a geopolitical level and within countries as incarceration rates rose and organized crime flourished.
In this video, Pablo argues that replacing the War on Drugs with regulation free of criminal sanctions as the gravamen of drug policy would be better for society than continuing the war. It would also strengthen the rule of law.
This should be a time for optimism.
America, both the continent and the country, with all its paradoxes is well posed to lead a new paradigm of drug regulation.

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