see what happens when People take zoo animals easy.

3 years ago

Zoos are a place for the average person to see animals they might not ever get the chance to observe in the wild. Zoos also have the purpose of conserving certain species, trying to make sure they don't die out to extinction.. and in other cases they can be a sanctuary against poaching and hunters.
Levan Merritt 1986
As encounters with great apes go, Harambe wasn't the first incident of a child falling into a gorilla enclosure. It happened at the Durrell Wildlife Park in Jersey, Channel Islands in the UK, when Five year old Levan Merrit somehow fell into the zoo's gorilla enclosure, falling far enough that he lost consciousness when he hit the ground.
Beijing Zoo 2009
Pandas. They're endangered, and they're absolutely adorable. That cuteness draws in many crazy panda-fans for Gugu, a panda at the Beijing Zoo. People come from all over to see him, and more than a few have snuck into his enclosure.
Pittsburgh zoo, 2012
For all of these stories, a surprising number don't end with someone being killed, considering they're usually just feet from dangerous and unpredictable predators. But fatalities unfortunately do still happen sometimes, as was the case for two year old Maddox Derkosh.
Detroit Zoo, 1990
The Detroit zoo is a popular destination for many who wish to admire the wildlife of the world, and apparently also for those who like going where they shouldn’t be. This time though, the story has a happy ending, and the man had a good reason for jumping in. 33-year-old Rick Swope was enjoying his day at the Detroit zoo until he came across the chimpanzee exhibit.
Berlin Zoo, 2009
The case of the Berlin zoo polar bear attack incident in 2009 is both mysterious and sketchy, and not much is known right down to the name of the woman involved in this incident on our list.
Cleveland Metro parks Zoo, 2015
Once again, another case of a two-year-old boy being held on top of the protective railing and falling into an enclosure with several dangerous animals.
Santiago Metropolitan zoo
Suicide is never the answer. No matter what you might think, someone's going to be devastated by it, your community will be impacted, your loved ones will be at a loss without you and you'll be sorely missed by many.
Little Rock Zoo, 2015
A young child went to the Little Rock zoo with his father and grandfather for some fun, and multi generational bonding time.
Brookfield Zoo, 1996
Here we have a more feel-good story. A young child fell into the gorilla exhibit, and was set upon by a terrifying silverback female gorilla named Binti Jua.
Toronto Zoo, 2016
A visitor to the Toronto Zoo must have really like her hat, because she jumped down from the observation deck and right next to a flimsy fence that had a tiger behind it, in order to retrieve it. Amidst people yelling at her, calling her a "moron", the woman leaped down and grabbed the hat while the tiger pounced on the fence separating them, desperately trying to get at her.

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