Dr. Roger Hodkinson categorically rejects government response to COVID.

3 years ago

Dr. Roger Hodkinson, accredited & highly respected Pathologist, Clinical Researcher & Medical Director of cutting edge virology & medical research laboratories cuts to shreds the government & public health response to the COVID-19 virus.

Dr. Hodkinson is NOT an 'anti-vaxxer' as he and so many of his peers are portrayed in the Main Stream Media narrative. Instead, he is a highly skilled, critical thinker and pragmatist who understands the need to weigh the damage being done by irresponsible, wholly unsupportable government lockdowns and vaccine mandates against the general health, well-being and future prospects of all of us impacted by a horrific government overreach over the course of the past year and a half.

Dr. Hodkinson's message has been aggressively and unethically attacked by dissenters and partisan interest groups. Videos such as this have literally been expunged from media platforms within hours of them being made publicly available.

We had the rare honour of being able to engage Dr. Hodkinson in a 1 1/2 hour long, detailed and insightful conversation that answers many of the questions for which citizens worldwide demand, and need, answers.

We will be providing edited 'short hitters' of certain clips within this broadcast but feel the need to get the entire video out as quickly as possible to ensure that it has the opportunity to reach as many individuals as possible who are still unclear concerning many of the incredibly divergent and confusing messages being given by governments, public health officials and main stream media partisans.

No holds are barred and no punches pulled in this interview.

If you cannot hear the honesty and integrity in Dr. Hodkinson's voice and conviction, you probably aren't listening - or possibly you don't want to listen.

His analysis is scientific, his message is cogent and his message is clear.

Do yourself a great favour and invest an hour and a half of your time as you open your mind to realities, perspectives and empirical data you will not hear elsewhere as mainstream media, government and medical practitioners have all abandoned certain ethical and moral safeguards to further a narrative that cannot now, nor in the future, be justified by science, actual clinical research or even case reporting.

This may become a crime against humanity the like of which we have not encountered in our lifetimes.

As food for thought, Dr. Hodkinson even considers the possibility that the worst may be yet to come. Governments are becoming more prone to abrogating their responsibilities as at the same time unethical biological research is being conducted even as we speak.

The future may hold authentic lab-generated pandemics that will make today's horrific, draconian reality a mere harbinger of the dangerous biological engineered possibilities that may be on the horizon unless we stop this medical nightmare in its tracks.

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