Persecution of Christians

3 years ago

Throughout the world, and to a lesser extent in America, Christians are being persecuted at an escalating rate. The persecution ranges from minor harassment as seen in America due to arbitrary COVID-19 Pandemic rules on public assembly indoors to imprisonment and genocide in the Mideast and Far East nations. Those who choose to openly proclaim their faith or remain faithful the Christian tenets are looking forward increasing oppression unless they speak out and actively pursue the freedom of religious beliefs gaurranteed by our Constitution. If we believe in the inalienable rights from our Creator, then how can we in the same sentence deny that Creator?

DISCLAIMER: I realize that TruNews is at war against Christian Zionists, as are many, many far right groups. While I support a couple of their claims against the Zionists and the State of Israel and am against the persecution of ANY religious group, I can hardly support their political stances, especially against POTUS 45. I only support the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Jesus Christ, the Son of God. That is the basis of all my beliefs and no other agenda, politics, religion, social injustice, etc. will ever take priority. Take it or leave it, I don't care.

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