Sacred Keys Acceleration System Overview By Lightstar

3 years ago

Overview of the Sacred Keys Acceleration System By Lightstar
Take a LEAP! (Lighten. Elevate. Accelerate. Progress.)

With the mass spiritual awakenings that have been sweeping the planet, I was guided through Spirit to create and disseminate a system that will assist in this Great Shift, and in raising the global consciousness with grace and ease. This system is based upon one important basic nugget of truth; every soul has an enormous appetite to evolve and grow through learning. It's wired into all of our soul's Divine Blueprint. So, I have developed a system that will help guide you through some of the most important "keys" for your spiritual evolution and soul empowerment.

The Sacred Keys Acceleration System consists of twelve spiritually-aligned keys, which are similar to modules...but I prefer the work "keys." All keys in the system are actively charged with the task of soul awakening and advancement, and designed to expand your consciousness; to propel you to a higher octave of divine frequency.

In these powerful keys (which are a blend of teaching, personal messages, downloads, intuitive guidance, and activation) my mission is to inspire your spiritual acceleration. The twelve individual keys each contain a unique topic which is integral and "key" to humanity's current ascent into higher consciousness, so as you attain each key, the master picture becomes more clear. You will be inspired to emerge and express your own soul-light, shining your expansive brilliance to the world.

As you embark upon a great journey into the rediscovery of your place in the universe, your voyage begins here, with a system to inspire you to take that faith-driven "LEAP" into your next evolution...allowing your soul to shine its most radiant frequency. So, take a LEAP...and Lighten. Elevate. Accelerate. Progress.

I look forward to presenting you with your Sacred Keys!
All My Love,

Learn more about the Sacred Keys Acceleration System:

Background Music: "Galaxies" by Stellardrone (CC BY)
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