Blue Bell Releases New Chocolate Sheet Cake Ice Cream for Summer

3 years ago

Blue Bell Releases New Chocolate Sheet Cake Ice Cream for Summer

I can't think of a more "Texas" dessert than Texas Sheet Cake. Chocolatey and reminiscent of childhood birthday parties, chocolate sheet cake is a staple in the Texas household. So when I saw that Blue Bell ice cream was releasing a Chocolate Sheet Pan Ice Cream, you bet I gave a little yelp of joy!

Beginning today, Texans and Texans at heart across the country can try this limited-time chocolate sheet cake ice cream flavor. According to a press release by Blue Bell, New Blue Bell Chocolate Sheet Cake Ice Cream features milk chocolate ice cream combined with chocolate sheet cake pieces, chopped pecans, and a chocolate icing swirl. Talk about a favorite Texas flavor all in one bowl!

“A sheet cake is simple, but so delicious,” said Sara Schramm, marketing brand manager for Blue Bell. “It is the perfect cake to combine with our Milk Chocolate Ice Cream. Sprinkle in pecans, add a swirl of chocolate icing and you have one great-tasting new flavor.”

The new ice cream flavor will be available in half-gallon and pint sizes for a limited time.

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