Psalm 02 - The Triumph of the Kingdom of the Messiah

3 years ago

King James Bible

1 Why do Gentiles mutiny and peoples intrigue in vain?

2 The kings of the earth prepare their devices and, together, the rulers conspire against the LORD and against his Christ, proclaiming:

3 “Let us tear your bonds to pieces, shake your bonds away from us!”

4 From his heavenly throne, the Lord begins to laugh and ridicule them.

5 And in due time he will rebuke them in anger, and in his fury he will confuse them with dread, declaring:

6 “It was I who consecrated my King over Zion, my sacred mountain!”

7 I will proclaim the decree of the LORD. He said to me: “You are my Son; I generated you today.

8 Ask, and I will give you the nations as an inheritance, the ends of the earth as your property.

9 You will rule them with an iron scepter, like a potter's pot you will smash them ”.

10 Therefore, O kings, be prudent; accept the correction, magistrates of the land!

11 Serve the LORD with fear, and live in him with joy and trembling.

12 Rend sincere adoration to the Son, lest he be angry and sudden destruction befall you, for his wrath is kindled quickly. Truly happy are all those who place their full trust in him.

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