Rabbi Dovid Weiss: Zionism has created 'rivers of blood'

3 years ago

Real jews are against Zionism with is Nazism. Real jews are against the monster Israel which was created by oceans of blood.
Because of systematic indoctrination deceiving gullable and so indeed many weak minds, very few understand the crimes of Zionism which is Nazism which is the NWO. Especially ignorant and fooled are many 'Christians' which, by their many pastors the grevious wolves, defend, glorify and support unrighteous Israel.

Jesus Christ, the risen Son of Man is angry with people who support the Beast Israel which was born in gross sin 1948.

Paul clearly defined real jews:
Gal3:7 "Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. ... 29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise". Hence, real jews are the disciples of Jesus Christ which follows the footsteps of Abraham in faith. The reason why only those people are saved by grace is because Jesus Christ payed for their sin on the cross (Ef2:38).

In order to be saved, rabbi Dovid Weiss must repent, turn to Christ, be water baptised in the name of Jesus Christ so he can wash off his sin (Ap22:16) because without the water baptism, he would remain in his sin and would perish in hell. The water baptism is also spiritual execution in which the Old Man, the Sinner, is put to death and revived in Christ (Col2:11-13). Then, in order to enter into The Kingdom of God, hence complete his salvation, rabbi Dovid Weiss must be accepted by God The Father who administrates the baptism of the Holy Ghost as per Ephesians 1:13, Galatians 4:6.

From that moment on, in order to defend his salvation, rabbi Dovid Weiss has to carry his cross and continue to believe in his heart that Christ is risen and continue to confess Christs Gospel of Salvation with his mouth (Rom10.9-10).

If rabbi Dovid Weiss faithfully and patiently follows and obeys the Holy Ghost, he shall indeed be saved. Because, if rabbi Dovid Weiss is led by the Spirit of God, he is a real son of God (Romans 8:14).

Yes, the salvation according to the Doctrine of Christ, Paul and Peter is as per John3:5=Ap2:38=Titus3:5.

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