Let go of the movie screen of your mind

3 years ago

Our body needs oxygen and our soul needs stillness and meditation.

With so much going on in the world right now, finding that stillness is more important than ever.

Did you know that our soul and spirit, our essence is always at peace?

You can connect with that unshakeable peace through meditation. This will make you more resilient in times of stress.

Join me in becoming very present in the moment of NOW

Let go of the movie screen of your mind and notice that you need to be nowhere else right now.

Give yourself permission to feel what it is like to be in your mind, and body and soul in the here and now.

The future and past do not exist, all that truly exists is this eternal moment here right now.

Listen to the video to get a take on it, and feel yourself become more whole and carefree and calm.

Much love as always, Grada

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