Mysterious UFO in Mount Elbert

3 years ago

Mysterious UFO in Mount Elbert

This mysterious UFO was hunted by a mountaineer in the mountains of Mount Elbert on June 10, 2019.
This UFO was also observed in the mountains of Canada for 5 year
On May 20, 2020, I received very important news that this UFO has been seen in India, China, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq in mountainous areas
I collected and analyzed this collection of news and reports and got an amazing result, and that is that UFOs are aware of a dangerous geological event on planet Earth, and this has led them to do a lot of research on these mountains. I hope so. I may be mistaken, but perhaps the fate of mankind, like when dinosaurs became extinct on the human planet, will be the first time I want to introduce an important theory, and that is a large-scale global earthquake that can only occur in just 3 minutes. Destroy the hope of better days for the people of the world. We are not alone.I will continue my efforts to reach the truth of UFOs

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