Zone of genius

3 years ago

Today is about clearing some major stuckness and getting you into the zone of genius. You are going to love it!

Close your eyes, connect to the light of the universe, whatever that looks like for you.

Start letting in the energy

Now expand your energy out 300 feet or 100 metres all around you.

See, sense or allow the energy to come into your crown, clearing all the blocks you have to deep knowing, all the blocks you have to feeling or feeling connected to all that is, and all the blocks you have to the truth about what you know and feel.

Allow the light to come into your third eye, or your divine eyes, so you can see clearly

Allow the light to come into your ears, so you hear and know truth.

Allow the light to come through your throat so the energy starts unclogging any blocks in communication so you can ask for what you truly want and desire in your life.

Allow the light to come into your heart so your capacity to love yourself unconditionally increases.

A love so deep you stop at nothing to do what you need to do for yourself.

Stepping up and stepping out.

Asking the light and energy to flow into your solar plexus and dissolve any fear of moving forward, and tell this energy to clear out old energetic patterns of playing it small, or to remove old antagonism, some frustration or old vibrations keeping you stuck in procrastination.

Ask the energy to come through your legs and feet and see golden cords extend from your feet connecting you to the center of mother earth, to a place of pure consciousness.

Ask this pure conscious energy to bounce back up into your body, into the center of your heart, so you are safely and securely connected from above and below, shining your lightglobe like the central sun, making your energies irresistible.

This pure energy fills your whole energy field now.

Ask this pure light to fill the whole building you are in.

Now ask this light of pure consciousness to envelop your town or city and watch it include your country.

Now ask this pure light of infinite love, wisdom and peace to expand out so it includes all of planet earth.

Now this pure light of abundance and blessing can be sent to your family members and other beings you love and care for.

Now you are fully connected to your higher self, your soul, the timeless part of yourself, the part of you that has the solutions to all your pain and problems.

It knows how to clear everything easily and effortlessly and make everything right in an amazing, light-filled, joyful way.

Everything in the way of allowing miracles to occur in your life, uncreate, delete and heal from all levels, dimensions, times, and realities.

From this beautiful space, now tune into your desires.

What do you want? Double your income? Get out of the victim trap so you feel empowered and confident?

Do you wish to feel sexy and alive? Brimming over with creative ideas?

Do you want to be noticed more? Do you want to attract your soulmate?

Anything you want, start feeling the excitement in your body.

Ask the pure light of consciousness to really sparkle up the energy of your desires.

Ask for pure consciousness to put all the light and love inside you, inside your future, inside your bank account, inside every part of your life, inside your relationships, your love life, your home, your care, fill everything up with total consciousness, asking everything in your life to shift up to the energy field of miracles, to upgrade to the energy of happiness and joy.

Finish by saying: I love myself unconditionally, I love myself enough to take massive action,

I give myself permission to enjoy my successes, to be thrilled with my life, empowered, and on purpose!”

Now bring that energy back in closer to your body and seal it in, so you feel energized and realigned with your soul and your soul purpose...

Thank you for taking the time to be with me tonight.

Have a wonderful week, much love, Grada

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