3 years ago

legato shred legato clint tustin sweep picking legato for beginners advanced legato legato exercises legato lesson legato exercises guitar legato exercise tabs legato tabs guitar legato tabs legato shred lesson guitar lesson beginner shred guitar lesson guitar shred lesson rick graham legato tom quayle legato tom quayle legato lesson guthrie govan legato lesson guitar shred allan holdsworth legato lesson allan holdsworth legato clint tustin lesson

Whenever I ask what videos you would like to see, “legato lesson” is always the most requested topic. I really do love legato playing, but I don’t consider myself an expert on it. For that reason, I decided to make this a longer video where I wanted to showcase some of the real legato masters (those who have inspired me the most), then talk technique a bit, and lastly show some of my go to patterns. For anyone who is a fan of my playing, these patterns are a huge part of it. I hope you guys enjoy this video and I really hope that it gives you some resources to check out and get really stoked on legato playing. If you search videos or lessons on any of the guys I mentioned, i guarantee you will be happy you did. Cheers.

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