ASIA PACIFIC TODAY. Part 1. The Drug Economy

3 years ago

According to a recent report released by Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Australians spent approximately $5.8 billion on methamphetamine and $470 million on heroin in 2019.

About $1.2 billion was paid to international wholesalers overseas for the smuggled drugs and about $5 billion remained in Australia’s economy.

That’s a lot of money being made in this country - so what’s wrong with our approach to stopping this epidemic?

Dr John Coyne is Head of Northern Australia Strategic Policy Centre and Head of Strategic Policing and Law Enforcement at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

His report co-authored with Dr Teagan Westendorf - 'High Rollers' A study of criminal profits along Australia’s heroin and methamphetamine supply chains – looks at the profits made at different levels of Australia’s illicit drug supply chains and whether we need to look at alternative approaches.

Asia Pacific Today. May 19, 2021

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