Will It All Go Underground

3 years ago

End Times Scenario of Where Society Ends Up After the Flash

Check out https://vimeo.com/215004709 (The Side of Industry That is Neither Babylon Nor the Heavenly, but the Dark Side of the City)

After the Flash, much of the world's economy will go underground, as long as the scare against disaster bears the evil fruit, the fruit of
a counterfeit Christ, who can only imitate the "Most High" (who reigns on the surface of the Earth). This leads to the question of "why
can't artificial sunlight be the illumination provided under the earth, and have the same result as sunlight on the earth?

"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea."

- Revelation 21:1 KJV

This implies free energy, while there are no "seas" available, possibly because they have all dried up. Or, the "seas" as they were,
have become the "oceans of space", which empty, but remains filled with oceans on worlds too numerous to mention!

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