Crew Cast: Implosion Edition

3 years ago

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Strap yourselves in because this is one crew cast you don't want to miss! We're talking MK Ultra, MK Often, the "Son of Sin", and more in this transmission! What started off as a simple News Cruise, turned into a rabbit hole of contributive knowledge combined with meaningful discussion resulting in a plethora of topics and insightful commentary. Shows like this are why we got started in the first place.

You may have noticed that our spirits have been a little down lately, given all of the recent censorship attacks and algorithmic adversity we're facing, and you'd be right to be aware. However, in this broadcast, you'll hear that tide turning ever-so slowly, as we come to grips with our new normal. If you want to support us, get the Basic Plan. You'll hear more about this in the coming weeks.

Let me leave you with this: As wild as everything seems, we must remember that perception isn't reality, and we can always change the future. Life is a series of lessons, mistakes, choices and accidents that create an even larger reality for us to comprehend. Realize that each day is a gift, and the very fact that we're able to continue to influence this larger world from this tiny corner, is a testament to the greatness within everyone. We have to strive for a better tomorrow, it's all we have today.

P.S. We're coming back to Instagram.

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