Alan Watt - “9/11 Was The Kickoff, Part One” 5.9.21

3 years ago

(Excerpts from Original RBN Broadcasts -- Nov. 7, 2007 and Sept. 12, 2008) - U.S., War in Iran - World Standardization - Banking, Usury - Avian Flu Hype - Spanish Flu, World War I - OCC - H5N1 Virus - Plagues - National ID - Hereditary Psychopathy, Genetics - Adolf Hitler - Plato's "Republic" - Worldwide Aerial Spraying, Drugging Public - Police State, Laws before and after 9/11 - Thomas Malthus, Charles Galton Darwin, "Useless Eaters" - Herding into Sheep-Pen - Donald Rumsfeld, Bio-warfare - Saddam Hussein - Religion - Christianity - Old, New Testament - Spirit and Soul - Free Love, Social Diseases - Disinformation - Science Fiction - Spirituality, Belief, Thinking for Yourself - Recycling, Oil Industry - Global Warming - World Tyranny - Elimination of Individuality - War on Terrorism - Global Interdependence - Middle East, Oil Reserves - Plunder - 9/11, 100 Years War - New Freedom - France, EDVIGE Government Database - No Countries, One Club at Top - Free Trade Permission to Travel - Cecil Rhodes, Boer War - Pretense for War - Romans, Bringing "Civilization" - Retaliation, "Terrorists" and "Traitors" - American Revolution - George Bush Sr. and Jr., September 11, 1990, 1991, 2001 - Project for a New American Century - CIA - First World Trade Center Bombing, FBI Setup.
Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 7, 2007 and Sept. 12, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)


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