4 Great LEG EXERCISES | Follow Along With Me 🍑

3 years ago

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Today we'll be doing a workout focused on our legs. We'll be using a dumbbell with a yoga mat, or a soft surface like a carpet at home.

We're going to start with a warm up, by doing some Jumping Jacks and Cross Toe Touches. Each one will be 45 seconds long, with a 10 second rest in between.

I'll then demo each exercise that we'll be doing. There are four total, and four rounds. Each exercise will be completed for 12 repetitions. One exercise will have 6 reps on each leg for a total of 12.

The exercises are:

► Forward To Reverse Lunge

Start in a standing position with your dumbbell held in front of you. I prefer to have the dumbbell in a curled position close to my body for this one. We'll start by lunging to the rear with one leg and pause for a moment. Then bring your right leg straight through to a forward lunge. We'll complete 6 reps on the right leg, then switch to 6 reps on the left leg.

If you are having a hard time bring your foot straight through without stopping, try to come back to neutral before you lunge forward. Going straight through will train your balance and stability for added difficulty.

► Dumbbell Swing

This is very similar to a kettlebell swing. We'll start in a wide standing position. Hold in to the end of the dumbbell with both hands. Start by swinging the weight between your legs, then straight up in front of you. We'll do this for 12 repetitions.

It's important to maintain a firm upper body posture while doing this movement.

► Kneeling To Step-Up

This is where we'll use the yoga mat or a soft surface. Start with the dumbbell in a goblet position - curled close to your chest. Take an upright kneeling position on the yoga mat. We'll be getting up off our knees, on to both feet. Once there, complete a squat before returning to the kneeling position.

► Sumo Deadlift To Squat

Start with feet outside shoulder width apart. We'll be holding the dumbbell in the middle. Complete a Sumo Deadlift by bending at the hip, lowering the dumbbell towards the floor. Maintaining a neutral spinal position is very important through this exercise.

Once you return to the top, complete a Sumo Squat - essentially the same concept except bending at the knees for a very wide squat.
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Feel free to take a longer break between rounds, or modify the movements as needed.. 😃
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0:00​​​​​​​​ Warm Up
4:19 Demo
7:10 Rounds 1 - 4
26:59​​​ Complete!
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