Episode 56 - Junk Journal with Daffodils Galleria

3 years ago

I call this our “variety of fun” episode! I mean whenever a Golden Retriever is involved you just KNOW it’s going to be good!

There’s a variety of things we do today. Such as some quick corner tucks made from book pages, you will note I am sporting a snazzy band-aid post plaster page production, we gesso up some journal cards with our new sponge brushes and I noticed while putting this video together the magazine page I use has the same wallboard I have in my studio! It’s called “Wall Control” Great stuff (link below 😉) if you’re looking for away to organise your world. I show you guts and stuff - FROM BOOKS PEOPLE! Yeesh.

Then it’s time for show and tell. Have a look at some book boxes I made eons ago as well as paper boxes I used to teach lawyers and CEO’s how to make. Say what??? Seriously.... it’s loads of fun so hey... let’s do that today, too!

Come on then, Let’s get to it!

Oh here’s the link I promised: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B001J7MMUY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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