How to Plant and Care for Dahlias, They are Beautiful, Worth Looking at.

3 years ago

Planting Dahlias: When, Where and How
When - Early spring is the best time to start planting dahlias, but don't be in a hurry if you feel another cold is coming. It takes patience because dahlias fight on cold ground. Wait until the soil temperature is at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit. If you want to take a leap in the growing season, you can always start your dahlias indoors and plant them outdoors when the weather is warm.

Where - Dahlias need to be planted in a location that receives full sun. They need at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight, especially in the morning. They also need to be planted in a place with slightly acidic, rich and well-drained soil, protected from the wind. The pH level of the soil should be 6.5 to 7.0. If the soil is heavy, mix a little sand, peat or manure, which will lighten and loosen the thick texture of the soil, providing better drainage.

Pests in your garden
Some of the pests you need to watch out for include aphids, slugs, snails, borers, sharpshooters and mites. If you find any of these items, these tips will help you get rid of them.

Aphids - Spray them with insecticidal soap or neem oil extract.
Slugs - Nothing is more disgusting than seeing a slimy trail in its beautiful leaves or down to the ground around its plants; therefore, you should always keep slug and slug baits at all times. If you see the mud, you know that they are somewhere and, if so, they can destroy your beautiful garden.
Drills - Some signs that drills are present include shanks that show breakage or wilt. Keeping weeds away from your plants should stop them, but if they have already affected your plants, cut and destroy the stems that have been infested with larvae.
Leafhoppers - These pests that feed the plants can destroy the appearance of your beautiful plant; therefore, if you see signs of them, start spraying (every five days) a mixture of a mug of insecticidal soap and a tablespoon of isopropyl alcohol.
Dust mites - Look for these pests at the bottom of the leaves. If you find them, clean the leaves with a sponge soaked in pure water or spray with Neem. You can also sprinkle the leaves with a mixture of water and mild dishwashing soap, if you prefer.

Precious Tips:
Do not water your dahlias the moment you plant them. Doing so will encourage the tubers to rot. Instead, wait until the shoots appear above the ground.
Do not cover your dahlias with vegetation cover or bark.
Do apply a little slug or slug bait to prevent these nasty pests from delighting your plants. Personally, I keep a two kilogram bag of Garden Safe® slug and slug bait and found it very effective. It is safe if you have pets or wild animals in the area and can use it around all your flowers, vegetables and trees. You can also use it inside your greenhouse, if you have one.
Do apply a fertilizer about 30 days after planting (not before). Look for a low nitrogen fertilizer (5-10-10 should be good). The best fertilizer for these plants is rich in potassium and phosphorus, but low in nitrogen, preventing leafy shrubs that produce very few flowers.
Do not overfeed your plant. The result will be yellowed leaves and fallen plants and waders, whose overall health will be diminished.
Do not apply water-soluble, high-nitrogen fertilizers!

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