Four Square Breathing in the Safety Zone

3 years ago

Reset Your Breath With Box Breathing
By Leanne Wylet, Mastery Coach
Breath is vital to your health & is an automatic anatomical subconscious response such as the heart beating and the stomach digesting food. Relax your body from the fight, flight mode to a sense of calm for focus and clarity. Let’s reset our breathing to it’s normal rhythm by using a technique called Box Breathing you can do in just 5 minutes a day or as needed during the day to help stay relaxed and calm to counter daily stresses. People in high stress jobs such as the Navy Seals, soldiers, and police officers, often use Box Breathing when their bodies are in fear fight-or-flight mode. This technique is also relevant for anyone interested in re-centering themselves or improving their concentration and can be done anywhere in just four to five minutes by following the instructions below:

 Close your eyes.
 Breathe in through your nose while counting to four slowly. Feel the air enter your lungs.
 Hold your breath inside while counting slowly to four. Try not to clamp your mouth or nose shut. Simply avoid inhaling or exhaling for 4 seconds.
 Begin to slowly exhale for 4 seconds or if this is too challenging start to a count of three.
 Repeat steps 1 to 3 at least three times.
Ideally, repeat the three steps for five minutes, or until calm returns to your body. Check out this video on how to Box Breath.
To learn more about breathing and how it helps to train safely to avoid injury to your body such as back and shoulders contact Mastery Coach Kettlebell Lady of Iron at:, Let’s talk soon! Leanne Wylet, BA, ACE- NCCA, Specialties: Orthopedic Exercise, Functional Movement Screening (FMS), Hard Style/High Intensify Kettlebell Fitness, Be Fit Group Instructor, Lurn, Inc., Certified Mastery Coach, Copywriter & Marketing Consultant.

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