Have Astronomers Found Antimatter Stars | SpaceTime S24E55 Astronomy Space Podcast

3 years ago

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The Astronomy, Technology and Space Science News Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 24 Episode 55
*Have astronomers found antimatter stars
Astronomers have identified 14 potential candidate stars that -- just maybe – might be made out of antimatter rather than normal matter.
*Ingenuity and Perseverance head south on the Red Planet
NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter has completed its first one way flight above the surface of the red planet landing at a remote location 129 metres south of its take off point.
*Mapping the Milky Way’s galactic magnetic fields
Astronomers have created a 3D map of the magnetic field in a small wedge of the Milky Way galaxy.
*SpaceX successfully launches the same Falcon 9 rocket for the tenth time
SpaceX has carried out a successful tenth flight using the same Falcon 9 first stage booster with Elon Musk saying it’s showing very little wear.
*The Science Report
Fission reactions discovered smouldering away in the wreckage of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant.
A deadly new variant of COVID-19 devastates an already badly hit India.
The earliest known deliberate burial by modern humans.
Studies show people are consuming up to four milligrams of plastic for every 100 grams of rice they eat.
Skeptic's guide to Prince Philip’s interest in aliens and UFOs.

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