We The People- Chat with Jacquie Dundee and David Stills, with Dr. Mark Hobart. 11/5/21

3 years ago

On our debut show We The People, we speak with David Stills and Jacquie Dundee, discussing the progress of the fight against the constant infringements upon our implied freedoms and rights. Following much debarkle, David and Jacquie are taking it all the to the supreme court. In written an oral correspondence (15 March, 23rd April, 30th April), David had challenged the validity of the PWB Act (2008), and therefore had raised a constitutional matter numerous times. At the latest directions hearing, David and Tony attended the Supreme Court on Friday 30th April - informed Justice Niall that a constitutional matter had been raised, and therefore the court had been invested with Federal jurisdiction. The result being that 78B notices should be sent out to all governor generals. Justice Niall told the court that he was not acknowledging that a constitutional matter had been raised, and acted to remove David and Tony from the matter. In the second hour we speak with Australian medical Doctor Mark Hobart and his letter to Chief Health Officer and his concerns involving the Australian response to the so-called Covid Pandemic . This Open letter to Professor Brett Sutton was written by Dr Mark Hobart who demanded a response from Professor Sutton by 5pm 7th May.
Dr Mark’s recommendation is based on his unique and extensive experience as a GP treating Covid-19 positive patients in Nursing Homes in Melbourne. Professor Sutton has failed to respond. We the People follow up this story with an interview with Dr Hobart, in the second hour. Professor Sutton must respond as we have personally sighted the registered mail which he must sign for.
Read the letter here – https://drive.google.com/.../1DD1RzfLqPV44RfLLqAK.../view...
Lawyers & Medical Experts start legal proceedings- https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/05/07/covid-fraud-lawyers-medical-experts-start-legal-proceedings-against-w-h-o-and-world-leaders-for-crimes-against-humanity/?fbclid=IwAR0HpenDUVWHILCkPT2lxUxMJtqxDqzM53Ro0puzryd1H_f22RMA4qqyccs
French drug evaluation- https://thebl.com/politics/french-drug-evaluation-center-concludes-all-4-covid-vaccines-should-be-discontinued.html
Pine Tea- https://ambassadorlove.wordpress.com/2021/05/06/pine-tea-possible-antidote-for-spike-protein-transmission/?fbclid=IwAR2awiQQzjnG0IlDyE3LT-uHmiMeE-_rmNUMoWj1g39yz5uosAZLAM5Qf4s
Community Voice- https://communityvoice.info/?fbclid=IwAR1TPKr010dqWtFJApafZ9wRTLtoYaXF5Oze1Z0z1fKqO-qthVDNqv7CgVQ
Bitchute- https://www.bitchute.com/channel/o4HUmkIcgddl/

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