Exercises and HEALTHY BODY

3 years ago

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Dear Friend,

Have you ever wondered why the program that helped your best friend put 30lbs on his squat didn't do the same for you?

Have you ever tried to follow a workout from the pages of a magazine only to see yourself get weaker and smaller... or even worse, fatter?

Have you ever tried your hand at the most popular new training system only to find yourself hobbling around in pain over the next few days... or even worse, injured?

If you answered yes to even one of these questions, then I've got some very good news for you.

My name is Eric Cressey, and I am the president of Cressey Sports Performance, a high performance training facility near Boston, MA. We started off small, but we're now a 15,000-square-foot training facility.

You don't work your way up to a facility of this size without providing great coaching to your clients. You know why? Because if you aren't excellent at what you do - constantly updating your training philosophies to give clients the best possible experience and amazing results - you go out of business quickly. Furthermore, you need to be able to coach whoever walks through your doors. Here at CP, we see hundreds of different clients every week.

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