my first community guidelines strike on youtube

3 years ago

it's a real eye opening experience, when one of your videos get slammed with a community guidelines strike, banned from uploading for a week, so much for getting any solutions from the questions i posed, as my viewers are my mental health, meaning, i care. it provides me a sense of staying alive, and not succumbing to suicide, because it is an easy solution, although not, easy, and never good to succumb to the taunting of satan, luring you into the pit.
there are things in life that are hard decisions
long term effects are unknown
i am scared to get the jab,
i don't know why, i have nothing to live for,
yet i feel deep down, that it's almost as if i am kneeling before the king, and not a king i wish to kneel before.
ex•tor•tion ĭk-stôr′shən►
n. Illegal use of one's official position or powers to obtain property, funds, or patronage.
n. The act or an instance of extorting something, as by psychological pressure.
n. An excessive or exorbitant charge.

Penalties for Bribery and Extortion
Bribery and extortion have slightly different meanings and definitions, but both are punished heavily. A bribery conviction under 18 U.S.C. Section 201 can result in a fine up to three times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value involved in the case, up to fifteen years in prison, or both. Furthermore, a person convicted of bribery may also be disqualified from holding any public office. A conviction for extortion, on the other hand, can result in a fine, imprisonment up to three years, or both. If the extortion involves less than $1,000, then the period of imprisonment may not exceed one year. A Hobbs Act Extortion conviction can result in fines and up to twenty years in prison. Governor Blagojevich was sentenced to fourteen years for his crimes.

although the reference stated here is actual dollars,.. something of tangibility,.. whereas,.. the extortion from joe biden (and associated powers(because we know he really isnt in charge)) is of INDIVIDUAL and of value only to ones own personal belief, but yet,, it IS of value, no tangibility other than that of what is my own self worth, WORTH? if i get satans stamp on my hand, or the appropriate number of 1's and zeros to change my dna. then i get to play with the other kids on the block, if i choose to not get the vaccine, i get to remain on restriction and have to wear a mask for the rest of my life until i get the "card" or "stamp" or "tattoo" or whatever they want to get me to sign up for

Defending Against Bribery and Extortion
The defense strategy that is employed in a bribery or extortion case will vary depending upon the specific facts of the case. However, the burden is on the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that bribery, extortion, or both were committed by the defendant. As such, there may be several defenses available to a defendant. For instance, the defense could demonstrate the thing offered to (or requested by) the public official has no value. The defense might also demonstrate that the action being requested from the public official (or being offered by the public official) is not an official act. The defense might also demonstrate that neither party had the required intent to engage in bribery or extortion. Finally, the defense might be able to establish that the public official was not actually a public official at the time of the alleged bribery or extortion.

no value,.. thoughts and self worth, have no actual tangible value

i can't actually believe that

remember, you are important, you are special, you can make a difference.
thanks for subscribing, thanks for sharing
thanks for being a part of my life
if you choose to donate to my cause, i thank you for anything you can send me

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