It Was Mandatory: 23 Year Old Athletic Male Has A Heart Attack and Dies After Being Vaccinated

3 years ago

There is something definitely wrong with these vaccines when young people are dropping like flies after they get vaccinated. The passion that this gentleman talks about regarding this athletic 23 year old (who was required to get vaccinated) tells me that he is not acting. I am starting to believe that the vaccines are causing severe instant blodd clotting in many people and with others it takes a little time. With all the vaccine injuries (and even death) that are happening here in Canada and in the USA it is time that mainstream media and not only Tucker Carlson bring this to light. It is truly shameful that all these people are getting sick and even dying from a vaccine that had barely any clinical trial time. When Trump said 'Operation Warp Speed' for vaccine implementation that was my first red flag. Now Operation Warp Speed should be called 'Operation Death Race'.

Related video:

23 year old athlete takes the jab and immediately has a heart attack.
@TimTruth BitChute

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