WITTS Self Running 35 Watt Delay Line Generator

3 years ago

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WITTS Self Running 35 Watt Delay Line Generator

http://www.witts.ws - World Improvement Through The Spirit Ministries is showing a delay line generator motor starting with a pack of 9 volt batteries in series.

It shows the voltage rising from 713 volts to 728 volts after starting with approximately .05 amps average current or 35 watts being generated & utilized.

The meter used for the current measurements is one designed specifically for measuring pulsed current accurately.

A conventional generator motor would be dropping the voltage in the battery pack after starting.

The video then shows a capacitor being added and the batteries are disconnected totally so that the delay line generator motor is self-generating, self-turning, as well as supplying electricity to the fluorescent tubes.

The device is over 23 years old and as such provided the basis for higher output more sophisticated devices such as the - Self-Running 900 Watt Fuelless Electrical Generator.

There is no harmful radiation and it is converting zero point energy with no external power source needed after starting!


See http://www.witts.ws/faq for more information about WITTS, and contact us there to schedule a consultation.

Email us at wits2014@yahoo.com

Other Notes: Metering Used -
Craftsman 82014 (amp-clamp for current measurements)
Wavetek DM27XT (for the voltage measurements)

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