YouTube Deletes My Magnets Sticking to Vaxxed Arms Video (The Blood Clots Are the Real Reason)

3 years ago

I had two magnets sticking to vaccinated arms videos posted on YouTube. One was a short one and one was a compilation video from around the Internet. Silly Humans are actually thinking this is a joke that magnets can stick to their freshly vaccinated arms. To be honest with you, I would be worried that magnets can stick to my body after being vaccinated. More and more people are getting blood clots from the vaccines in various parts of their bodies. Are these vaccines (issued under an EMERGENCY protocol) causing the body to clot? Why is Big Tech so worried about these magnets sticking to vaccinated arms videos being circulated among social media? Presently there is more fact checking going on (bogus I might add) regarding magnets and vaccines then anything else related to vaccines and vaccine hesitancy. You tell me, what is Big Tech so worried about?

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