you still have eternal life so what the fuck does it matter

3 years ago

we dunno what's gonna happen
i got God, i'll be fine
turning a blind eye to this horror show
the united states: the epitome of everything that's wrong w/ the world
the people that live in this country once again
they don't care...
"free" market means slavery is involved
self-destructive person still
of course you can't work cos you're a marxist
loafers/moochers of the world unite
trump is a false idol but so are all the others
govt doesn't do shit for people that actually live here
that's why he's the anchor, get it?
free food/free lodging/free healthcare (ca)
this dude amuses me...i'll digress
so easy to be mean
morrissey "it takes guts to be gentle and kind"

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