Hybrid's torch breakdown at Mediugorie – rising & turning off sun light near catholic idolatry.

3 years ago

2 Kor 11:14:
Did not Satan marvelously transform himself into an angel of light?
Awaria latareczki hybrydziej w Medziugorie – rośnięcie i ściemnianie światła przy idolatrii
This is exploding and ON-OFF hybrid/demonic sun (that explained further by Mariusz Szczytyński on Królewska TV & NIEBOCENTRYZM Youtube channels) – at well-known place of catholic „cult”.
The so called Mary revelations are confusing and deceiving many people. Gospa is unclearly presenting „her” form, on other video from related channel we do not see face but ONLY deformed human figure – therefore without hesitation: it cannot be Mary but devil's chaos in great tribulation apocalyptic last era.
1. https://youtu.be/oBQ9Z7US8Fw?t=81https://youtu.be/oBQ9Z7US8Fw?t=81
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h84m6rP-r34https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h84m6rP-r34

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