Solar System: Most Extreme Places in Our Galaxy, Amazing Curiosities [igeoNews]

3 years ago

n the solar system there are a lot of extreme places. We can find the larges canyon, the hottest planet, the coldest planet, the most impressive volcano...the biggest star. All this and more in this vídeo:

- The largest canyon in the solar system is on Mars and is called Valles Merineris and is a deep scar on the surface of Mars. This giant canyon is over 4,000 kilometers long and 200 wide, comparable to Chile. He also has ten kilometers deep and is ten times longer and five times deeper than the Grand Canyon.

- The hottest planet in the solar system is Venus, with about 600 ° C. Furthermore it rains sulfuric acid and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than that of the Earth.

- The coldest planet in the solar system is "only" 380,000 miles in our Moon within the crater Faustino.

- The most impressive volcano in the solar system is on Mars. This is the Alba Patera, with 1,600 km of base. His height is 6 km.

- The greatest differences in temperature within the solar system are given in Mercury.

- The biggest star is NML Cygni or NML Cyg and Hyper-Giant star is a red, and the biggest star known today, even higher than VY Canis Majoris. It measures about 1790 radios solare.

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