3 years ago

Heavy rain with thunder. You can sleep peacefully, fall asleep with the content of this video!
Sleep soundly with the sound of heavy rain with thunder.
8 hours of rain and thunder sound you can sleep peacefully.
Rain and thunder sounds are used to sleep, relax, study, insomnia, meditation, healing, yoga, calm, stress reduction ...
Rain and thunder sounds like a wonderful lullaby, helping people in the process of relaxation and fast falling asleep.
One of the reasons why we love the sounds of rain and thunder may be linked to our need to mask irritating noises at night, since white noise is one of the best ways to help hide other bursts that often prevent us from sleeping.
The constant noise of rain and thunder calms the brain to fall asleep, blocks external noise and often induces a state of meditation, causing relaxation.
Stress levels among people are getting higher and higher. We have an increasingly active mind, busy and difficult to disconnect.
For those who live in the city, the nights can be full of sounds that usually keep us awake.
The sounds of rain and thunder usually cover all other noises and allow us to focus on their monotonous sounds.
Studies have found that when the sound of rain and thunder enters people's brains it produces alpha waves that are very close to the state of drowsiness.
Hearing constant noises of rain and thunder poses no health threat and helps to block out other sleep-threatening noises.
Sounds of rain and thunder help to turn off our mind, producing relaxation for a peaceful and deep sleep.
Sound of rain and thunder sounds like music to our ears.

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