The Rubicon May 15, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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The Rubicon May 15, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Years ago I was privileged to correspond with Mary Croft. Mary is a legend for her ability to cut to the chase and say no to bureaucrats with authority and grace.
Just that. No.
No, you have no right or authority to vaccinate me or say one word to me about my health or lack of it. Private business. No contract. No compliance. No presumptions allowed.
Mary has demonstrated the Power of No on a perennial basis.
No to property taxes. No to registrations of any kind. No to foreclosures. No to the idea of private "persons" being saddled with public debts. No to government intrusion. No to Agencies --- not just Agency overreach, no to Agency pretensions of authority, full stop.
No to alleged Public Trust Interests of any kind.
Just stand there on your flat little feet and give the would-be Judge a baleful stare as Mary did on many occasions and say no.
This is where the buck stops and the pedal hits the metal--- that one little word: no.
I didn't give anyone any Power of Attorney over me or my assets and if any dirty dog claims otherwise, bring him forward to be examined.
Watch the guilty prosecutors turn green.
There is an attitude, something that comes from freeing yourself from the illusions of authority, a result of growing up and being an adult and being self-responsible ---- a sort of personal Rubicon that is involved.
Like Julius Caesar, we crossed that river. We are never going back.
No, I didn't agree to mortgage my house to pay off public debts.
No, I don't owe anyone any property taxes.
No, I don't agree to the Federal Reserve Scheme. I denominate all funds as Lawful Money.
No, I am not under any obligation of servitude to anyone, and that includes the court.
No, I don't drive motor vehicles. I go from one place to another using my own car, which I paid for with my own labor. Any questions?
No, you've got it wrong. I am the Employer and you are the Employee. It's my opinion that counts.
So long as I am not hurting another living being or damaging their property, you have no right or reason to even speak to me. And if you want to allege that I injured you, it's on your head to prove it.
Somehow, Mary Croft woke up one morning, shook her head, took in the view and blew the illusion of authority right out the window. She owned herself and exercised her own authority, and she did it with such incisive logic and purity of intent, that the paper dragons blew away like dust in the wind.

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