Vancouver protest “Bomb Tel Aviv”; “Long live the Intifada”

3 years ago

On May 12, hundreds of people participated in an “Emergency Rally For Palestine” held in Vancouver. The event was hosted by Ameen Khaldoun, Hala Al Qaysi and Nour Enayeh. Charlotte Kates, the International Coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and members of the pro-Palestinian Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) were in attendance and a representative of this organization was one of the speakers. Vancouver Imam Tarek Ramadan also took part in leading the crowd uttering chants in support of the Palestinian struggle against Israel.

Here is the statement issued by the organizers:

We would like to begin by acknowledging that the land that we gather is on the unceded territory of the Coast Salish Peoples including the musquem and tsleil waututh nations.
Many of you are aware that for the past few weeks, Israeli settlers have been trying to illegally remove Palestinians from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood in East Jerusalem.
Armed forces have been assaulting men, women and oftentimes children as well. Countless arrests are made everyday and the people of Palestine need our support now more than ever.
In a show of solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Palestine, we are holding a rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery on Wednesday May 12th, at 5pm.
We want to take this opportunity to thank Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) for their continuous support as they will be joining us at this event.

The protesters chanted:

[originally in Arabic]
Oh Qassam [Brigades of Hamas], Oh precious [organization], make hast, bomb, bomb [the Israeli city of] Tel Aviv
We will sacrifice our soul and blood for Al-Aqsa [Mosque]
Allah, Palestine, Al-Quds [Jreusalem] is Arab
There is no god but Allah and the martyr is beloved by Allah

[originally in English]
From the [Jordan [River] to the [Mediterranean] Sea Palestine will be free
Long live the Intifada

One of the signs read:

Zionists are Nazis #FreePalestine
Name change. Nazi Yesterday [swastika]. Israel today [flag of Israel]

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