The best brain training for dogs

3 years ago

If you’re a dog owner, dog training should be among the most significant responsibilities for you. Without proper brain training, you might risk; harm to other people around your dog, injury to dog itself, and harm to your property.

It’s easy and but not always fun to brain train your dog…

Over the years, science has discovered a lot about dog psychology like how they think, how they learn, and as a result, new effective dog training methods were introduced. What new dog brain training course focuses on is to use less force and fear to achieve obedience.

This unique dog training method offers two key benefits:
It’s more fun for both dog and dog owners.
The dog will follow commands without the need for dominance and power exuding.

Brain Training For Dogs Is An Effective Book And Course Which Is Based On The Above Two Discoveries…
If you are interested and want to know what Brain Training For Dogs is and how it actually works, here in this video, I will explain everything to you.

What Is Brain Training 4 Dogs Course?
Brain Training for Dogs is an online ebook that works as online training to develop the brain of your dog and to boost their ability to focus and understand owners command.

The course works following the fact that dogs are not intentionally disobedient; it’s just that they are too distracted to follow owners command.

Once you Sign Up for Brain Training 4 Dogs online course, you will receive a PDF of the main course book, a bonus book, and lifelong membership to this program or it’s website. Registered members get the opportunity to explore all the videos related to how-to brain training category.

Talking about the course, it starts with an introduction to force-free training sessions. All the exercises included in the course follows the same force-free method. Furthermore, this section of the course will help you in knowing what mistake you were making earlier while training your dog.

Next, talking about the practical cal exercise, the Brain Training 4 Dogs Course features 21 unique games that anyone can teach their dog following the guidelines as mentioned in the book. Most dog owners have found these games easy to play. Also, each of the game is explained in-depth with the help of video lectures.

How Does This Brain Training 4 Dogs Course Work?

Here is the structure of course for you:
Introduction to the course
How To Train section
Behavior troubleshooting section
Challenge boosting segment
An exam to know whether you have mastered the game or not.
he Four Important Parts Of Brain Training 4 Dogs Course

Part 1: The Example Lessons
The book had two example lesions, which are the first two and named “Target” and “Look into my eyes.”
The target lesion is designed to teach your dog how to target objects and with paw or nose and how you should reward your dog once he does that correctly.
The next, “Look Into My Eyes” lesson is designed to teach your dog how to look into your eyes. This one is an essential lesson as it will help your dog focus and follow your instructions more appropriately.

Part 2: Advanced Lesions
These lesions are designed to help your dog learn more valuable skills and create a better bond between you and him. Additionally, these will boost his thinking skills and agility.

Part 3: The Bonus Behavior Training
The course also comes with a bonus book that the instructor/author provides to help you deal more appropriately with the issues related to your dog’s behavior. It will help you in addressing the bad habits of your dog more effectively and improve their overall behavior.

Part 4: Play With Your Dog
If you’re interested in taking Brain Training for a spin, you’re free to try the free Airplane game. All you need to do is download the PDF and check the video below.

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