3 years ago

Ode to the Code of Conduct: "We the junior eco-marshals commit to living every moment of life to its utmost potential; to engage each femtosecond of existence with rapture and strive to put the benefit of others before self."

"The junior eco-marshals they’re, compassionate of heart, omnipotent in action, and pious in delivery; their mission to champion environmental advocacy, life forms rights, and the pursuit of intergalactic democracy; for refreshing water to hydrate one's cells tis inalienable right."

Meet Galaxy 14.2 earth years is the fleets chief navigator addressed as Chief and is determined to succeed in her field of expertise, like her great grandmother who navigated the Euphrates. Additionally, Galaxy celebrates the title of GCCOGS, Grand Connoisseur of the Cosmic Order of the Galactic Star: for dedicated service to environmentalism.

Having earned Ph.D.’s in Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering, Artificial General Intelligence, and Space-time Theory supports Galaxy to contextualize policies especially, as the fleets chief navigator.

When periods of difficulties arise; it's uplifting to have a motivator Galaxy's four-leaf clover is an exquisite watch called Guardian; a traveler gifted the watch to her great grandmother for safely navigating him across the Mesopotamian sands during one of his expeditions to the Middle East a long time ago.

Presently Chief is the reigning lightsaber-fencing three-time galactic gold medalist and avid intergalactic jet-pack racer. Both activities are fast-paced, pressure-packed; the harsh environmental conditions of deep space and high G-forces demand that the individual has the right mindset if they want to succeed.

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