( -0082 ) Blood Clots (iron) Causing Magnetism? Nanogel? A Lot More Magnet Fun w Covid Jab Sweepstakes Players Worldwide

3 years ago

Blood Clots (iron) Causing Magnetism A Lot More Magnet Fun With Covid-19 Jabby Sweepstakes Players Worldwide - compiled by Tim Truth - Mirror - Gotta love the guy who proves that a studfinder works on his arm! If you uploaded one of these you are to be commended for helping us understand these research experiments - that our government officials and health advisors are being so evasive and propagandish about (& wanting to go after our children). Please don't get inside an MRI machine! If you want to get your 2nd dose its up to you. The vaccine killed a relative of mine (at least she was healthy and right after her vaccine she suddenly died of a CVA) - remember it is emergency use authorization only - and with a bit of honesty you can admit to yourself that the people on TV are all apparently lying for some reason because the numbers they are spouting (zero deaths) are so obviously not what's on the official VAERS site.

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