might as well have started the backpack trend

3 years ago

cool thing about the toothpick cig
it can transfer back to a toothpick
the world is whatever you want it to be, babes
the moral of this joke/bit
almost died trying to be vegetarian
if i could figure out how to eat anything at all
nothing in life is fair
i have empathy for those that deserve it
what is there to do about this
toss out yer xbox/go kill sumin real
all cj needed to say was gumbo
whatever that thing is that you carry around
now you need to go out n reveal yourself
really silverado, fuck the fuck the fuck you
getting angry in the real time is fun when you're me
i appreciate that turn signal little grey car
leave me alone dodge ram
they always do what you command on the interstate
already knew what was gonna happen cos we can see the future

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