Write NDEF Using iPhone Built-In NFC and iPad & idChamp NF4 Writer/Reader

3 years ago

Starting with iPhone-11 and iOS 13, iPhone built-in NFC supports reading and writing ISO-14443A(*1,2,4) tags like NXP NTAG213, NTAG215, NTAG216, Mifare Classic EV1, Mifare Ultralight (aka Mifare UL), Mifare DESFire, Mifare Plus-SE, Mifare Plus-S, Mifare Plus-X, my-d move - SLE66R01P, FM11RF08, ISO-14443B(*4) tags like AT88RF020, SR176, SRIX512, SRIX4K, and Sony FeliCa(*4) tags, and ISO-15693 tags like ICODE SLI, SLI-X, SLI-X2, Tag-It HF-I Plus.

NFC Read Write iOS app writes NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format) data to all the NFC tag types shown above: tags, badges, wristbands, keyfobs, cups, plates, PPE (personal protection equipment), etc.

Store URL/URI, Plain TEXT, Phone number, SMS, GEO Location, Email, Application, Business Card, and more.

Also write RAW data (not formatted like NDEF).

Note: video shows Android Galaxy phone writing NDEF using idChamp brand NF4 writer/reader, this also works with iPad and iPod Touch devices in place of the Android phone using serialio.com app like iScanBrowser, Cloud-In-Hand Mobile Grid, SerialMagic Keys.
Contact serialio.com for more information and to purchase NFC-RFID tags, inlays, wireless readers, software applications

*1 NFC Forum Tag Type 1
*2 NFC Forum Tag Type 2
*3 NFC Forum Tag Type 3
*4 NFC Forum Tag Type 4

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