Devil's Drop mountain bike trail offers high speed thrills & adrenaline

3 years ago

There is a trail in Ontario, Canada that the local mountain bikers call Devil's Drop. It's a thrilling two minute descent through switchbacks and hairpin curves. It offers impossibly steep, banking sections that test a rider's ability to hang on to the handlebars and lean into the curves. Rock sections appear in front of the bikers and then end abruptly, launching riders momentarily into the air before they drop down onto the hard packed dirt for the next descent.

The trees whiz past quickly and the forest is breath taking, but admiring the view is next to impossible when all your attention needs to be on the trail in front of the bike. Sharp turns come out of nowhere, making a rider lean left and right as quickly as they can shift their weight. The handlebars barely clear the tree trunks in some areas and rocks stick through the hard dirt like scales protruding from a dragon's back.

The descent is more than two minutes of high speed exhilaration that would leave even a seasoned rider's knuckles white and have the riders gasping for breath.

The climb to the start of the trail is also breath taking, in a different sense, but it is well worth the effort. This trail has been expertly engineered for maximum thrills. It is easy to picture a roller coaster ride as a rider navigates the terrain and struggles to stay one step ahead of the twists and turns.

Mountain biking is a very thrilling sports and a great way to get exercise in beautiful areas.

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