Generation of the Purification - Prophetic Message To Luz de Maria [En Español]

3 years ago

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Many thanks to the One who was and who is for great blessings and graces... His Help for strength and courage
Thank You Jesus My Savior 🙏

Many Thanks to The Blessed Virgin Mary, her intercessions and Love never expires 🌹❤️

Thanks to One of the volunteer Who Contributed in putting out this message.

[Special thanks For The free Licensed Music]
Night Of Mystery by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

[Message Script]
Luz – Generation of the Purification
Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on May 10th, 2021:
My People: Receive My blessing; let My love penetrate strongly within each one of you, My children. You are the generation of the Purification.* I am therefore permanently guiding you in order that you would not be lost due to the confusion that those who have committed themselves to evil are constantly sowing for My People. My katechon,** [1] strengthened by My faithful People, is an obstacle to the plans for global submission to the future government that is already being led by the Antichrist.

Do not become lost within your human ego. The greatest impediment for the majority of My People at this time is spiritual blindness. What do you expect? How will you return to the past in the face of suffering that is constantly coming and going? Do not waste this time; improve, casting the human ego, that constantly enslaves your thinking, into the abyss. Stop believing that you are the best, that you know everything and that your brothers and sisters are inept! Enough of those “blanched sepulchers” (Mt 23:27) that are disgusting inside due to a human self inflated with falsehood! It is not knowledge that gives salvation to the soul, nor ignorance that leads you towards Me. You need spiritual balance and faith in Me, yet instead you continue gathering information from imperfect human beings.

My People say they love Me without being inwardly transformed… They say that they love Me while bearing sickening rags that infect everyone next to them… You say that you are My children, and yet I see so many judges, dictators, those who commit genocide, those who rob their brothers and sisters of their peace… These are not My People; My People are those who love Me in “spirit and truth” (Jn 4:23), who love, respect and assist their brothers and sisters. There are so many judges among My People who, inflated with pride, have sat down on My right and My left without Divine approval, forgetting that “whoever wants to be great must be the servant of all” (Mt 20:17), not the judge of all.

Preach the urgency of conversion, of repentance, of the imminence of My Act of Mercy for humanity: the Warning. [2] My instruments preach about the urgency of My children’s return to My House in the light of the great trials in which you are living and those to come, which will be greater. Do not pray to Me in fear: I am mercy and I receive all who come before Me.

Enough of those who are stubbornly arrogant, who do not change and sink down in their own mud! My Church is being tested — tested so much that you are walking the wrong way… My Law is one: unchanging, irrevocable… I Am the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8)…

Love My Mother and pray united with Her who gathers My children in a single Flock. Unite with My Mother this May 13th [3] with love, devotion, and a firm intention to convert.

Pray, My children, My Word is not to be twisted for momentary convenience.

I invite you to pray strongly for California: it will shake.

I call you to pray: the powers are taking the path of open warfare.

Pray consciously: conversion needs to happen now, before it is too late!

My Beloved People, return to Me totally repentant, loving one another: “let the one among you who is without sin cast the first stone” (Jn 8:1-7) My Love is incomprehensible for the human creature. Return promptly, since a day can be like an hour. My Love stands waiting for you.

Your Merciful Jesus.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

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