The Mark its here, lets see the verses, 1611 KJV, and the original greek, Time to study indepth

3 years ago

Mirrored from The Once Lost and Now Found Sheep
Original video link :

1611 KJV
Revelation 18:23 Rich merchants decieve with sorcery, in original greek, sorcery =pharmakeia =drugs poisons pharmacies, strongs 5331

Daniel 2:43 mixing in seed of men but wont mix as Iron and clay dont mix

Revelation 13:16-18
Causes rich and poor free and bond recieve mark right hand or forheads.
A mans number 666

Isaiah 25:7 God destroys face covering cast over all people.

Revelation 6:2 the word bow is Toxon in greek, Toxon = simplist peice of fabric, strongs 5115
crown in the latin biblia bible is Corona.
Numerology number of Corona 666

Isaiah 14:12 Lucifer is the name of the devil.

2 Corinthians 11:14 satan can transform as a angel of light.

Revelation 14:11 those that recieve the mark of his name.

A number, a name, causing everyone to get it, A face covering.

Luciferase a ingredient in it, its a bioluminescent light, whats the devils name, and can he transform as a angel of light.

Without out businesses are starting to need to have employess to have it to sell and for emplpyees to work to earn money, if you don't you cant enter places to buy, look at Israel laws in place check Israel news about it.

You have a numerology number, but its a specific patent number for a chip that is yet to come, look it up.

How many have to cover their faces.

Read a KJV and check the words with strongs concordance bible dictionary, dont take my word for it, I'm not saying what to believe but study and research for yourselves.

Trust in God or in man.

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