Rebel TV E44 Is Alternative Media Just a Support Group for the Aggrieved?

3 years ago

I listen to a lot of news, talk radio and podcasts. As such, I daily deluge myself with information, from all sides. Since the explosion of the internet and social media and innumerable news outlets, we are never left in the dark about what is going on. Nothing is hidden anymore, even amid all the attempts at distortion and propaganda. For those of us who care about liberty, we are more than aware of the destruction all around us. What we are missing are solutions, real, concrete, effective solutions that will not only protect our liberties and natural rights but restore them when they have been infringed upon, ignored or deliberately violated.

So what is the solution? When Joe Pags was asked this by a caller recently, the answer given was getting out the truth; dissemination factual information. Now while I believe that is very important, any action must be taken based on truth, that cannot be the end. This is why I have always said that we've got to do more than complain. Talk radio, social media, various groups and organizations, they've got to be more than support groups for the aggrieved. Others will point to electoral politics, the solution is electing the right people. That is certainly true but we've all got to admit, electoral politics has failed us when it comes to protecting, much less restoring, liberty. To all of you right wing, alternative media folks out there, your audience is looking for more than information and hope. They want solutions, they want to know what they can do in their own lives that will make a difference.

We see our country being systematically dismantled and wantonly destroyed. Our traditional culture and all the things that made this country great are denigrated and now eliminated from the public discourse. We need more than just people telling us this is happening. We know what's going on! We need a plan of action to fight against it. Have we, like President Trump said, been the victim of a coup? I have heard it repeated by others. So we know it's true, then what? Knowledge of our demise and the establishment of the totalitarian state is pointless without action, it only leads to frustration and depression.

So here are some solutions, real concrete actions we can all take that will make a real difference, much more than a strongly worded e-mail, not that those should be ignored. I have often said that we are funding our enslavement, that we are paying for our chains. I was recently listening to Dana Loesch and she repeated her contention that taxation is theft, particularly income taxes. Others have noted that especially now with the supposed Covid relief bill and the blue state and city bailouts, we are subject specifically to taxation without representation. We revolted over this two hundred and fifty years ago, remember? How about we stop! Will Dana and the others put their money where their mouth is and stop paying like I have for over a decade? Will you? Government uses our money to exercise their power and forge our chains. Cut it off and they will be powerless.

How about not complying with all their stupidity. Don't want your kids indoctrinated with critical race theory and all the other woke claptrap in government schools? Pull your kids out. Find alternatives or home school them. This is even easier now that when I did it with my kids. And I'm sure the Covid shutdowns have demonstrated to a lot of parents that it is a viable option. Do it. Businesses, take courage from the few like the owners of Tinhorn Flats in California who have been fighting to stay open. It is the easiest thing in the world not to do business with all these woke companies supporting the democrat narrative and their destructive policies. Forgo your two day Amazon deliveries, find an alternative to Coke products, use another airline. There are over one hundred million of us. And we are the ones who work, we are the ones paying for this tyranny, we are the ones propping up this edifice of lies and fascist tyranny. If we dropped out, not in the Atlas Shrugged sense but if we all made the conscious decision to stop supporting this government corporate conglomerate bent on totalitarian control, imagine what would happen.

We would all go to jail. Is that what you are afraid of? You still don't get it then. If you believe that this present administration is the result of a coup, if you believe that we are living in a post constitutional time as Mark Levin if fond of saying, then attempting to put any of us in jail for standing up for our God given rights is simply an illegitimate government enforcing immoral and, under our constitution, illegal laws. Why would we subject ourselves to such an authority? If you were a Venezuelan suddenly under the tyranny of Hugo Chavez in 1998 or a Czeck in 1948 when the communists took control, would you simply sit back and learn to live under tyranny? If you protested, would you just allow yourself to be subject to a show trial and thrown in a hole somewhere?

As the late great Rush Limbaugh would say, we are in a battle of ideas. But it does not end there. It cannot end there. Government is force; it is guns and prisons and eventually under every communist tyranny, firing squads and mass graves. Our government is not even seeking to win the battle of ideas anymore, they are forcing us to accept their lies as truth, ignore their contradictions and embrace their absurdities. That force is at the point of a gun. Job loss, arrest and prosecution, financial ruin, prison. The question is, when that gun comes for you, what will you do? Will you allow yourself to be subjected to their illegitimate authority or will you fight back. Oh no! We can't have that! I can hear Glenn Beck's protestations now. We can never be violent. No? Then we have already lost. Without the brave citizen soldiers at Lexington and Concord, would we have a free country? Was any tyrant from Hitler to Napoleon to the Roman Emperors ever defeated peacefully? No. Why? Because any time government power is exercised in a manner destructive of rights it ceases to be legitimate, it can no longer win the battle of ideas by taking the moral high ground and must therefore resort to deception and force to exert power. If it is not met with real resistance, it will only grow in power. It is time for real resistance, substantial risky resistance, resistance for which we put our lives, fortunes and sacred honor on the line. If not, not only will we lose our country, but the world will fall to an all powerful totalitarian authority that will make any resistance all the more difficult. Or are your God given rights and freedom not worth it?

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