'Farvel Far' (efter 24 år) [2020]

3 years ago

Corona Flu vs Family?
Are there families disintegrating due to this corona flu virus?
It's fucking creepy...

How can one's adult child have more trust and belief in the lying corrupt
rotten Power Elite and Press ....than to the parent who has loved, cared for, nourished, supported and have helped with everything through 24 years...

As if you are an idiot and a psychopath and will do harm to the child you love the most on this world...
It's beyond my comprehension...

Regards Kim Osbøl
- was a single father for about 12 years...

When this corona flu virus really started getting in the media in Jan 2020 I could
from my many years of experience with the jobcenters, the municipality, the judicial system,
the politicians and the media 'smell' that something was wrong.
My 'Bullchit detector' is very sharpened.

The first thing I did was to fact check what a virus actually was (infection/inflammation)
and what the statistics were in terms of 'death rates'.

I posted this on FB with links to verify that the Politicians and the Media again lied.
Exactly the same as what happens with Legal Security at the JobCenters.


The 'death toll' with (not of) corona did not match what the Politicians told.

Lies, deception, manipulation. Things are connected.

2 years ago the world also had a flu virus that was bad.
Here more died than there are now. Why was Denmark not shut down there?

And which 'authorities' were the ones who recommended Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen to shut down Denmark?
A 'decision' all parliamentary parties voted YES in less than 24 hours.
Answer: 28 maj 2020. Debatten: Coronakrisens pris

And which is most dangerous, Corona or Lockdown?
Answer: https://www.facebook.com/notes/jobcenter-k%C3%B8benhavn-k%C3%B8benhavns-kommune/hvad-er-farligst-corona-eller-lockdown/3125095394247073/

Many honest Doctors who stand up and tell what is going on are blocked and censored by all the social media. Why?
Answer: https://search.bitchute.com/renderer?query=Frontline+Doctors

Who governs and controls Denmark?
Who interprets?
Who decides?
Who is the legislator?


And are the Constitution inviolable?

Answer: No.

Part 14) 20 juni 2020. Falke vs. "Folkebevægelsen For Frihed"

And now there will probably be a 'Mask' order/recommendation soon in Denmark...

Stop Wearing Face Masks People, Your Killing Yourselves..

JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick (2014)

18 maj 2020 Demonstration against 5G, fascist L133 flu law etc.
(Check links below the video)
Corona Act # L133, as enacted #5G #Event201 #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #5GTestland #Pengeskabelsen
#ID2020 #DigitalID #VaccineMicrochip #RFID = Radio-Frequency-IDentification = #Biohacking

What your momma should have told you but never knew herself 2020

Fall Cabal Covid-19 (1-10 Storylines)

Order Out of Chaos - Ordo Ab Chao (Full Documentary 2020)

And there are many mode...

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