3 years ago

“The junior eco-marshals; they’re daring, ambassadorial, and motivated; their mission to champion environmental advocacy, life forms rights, and the pursuit of intergalactic democracy.

Although there are no earthly sunrises or sunsets in deep space scheduled work outputs; relaxation, and the Ode’s reading to the Code of Conduct provide the fleet a sense of day: a new beginning and night: closure and accomplishment; importantly, when crisis strikes, the Ode holds one resolute against insurmountable odds, but it is what happens in between the readings that is the uncertainty of the day.

And what followed was no exception to the rule, except it threw every ounce of technology and biochemistry into a hyperbolic state of bio-electromagnetic and psychological frenzy.

While analyzing the data received from Drone, Meteor and Galaxy pinpointed the Latitude and Longitude of the emergency distress call as emanating from; the deep ocean depth of the Hikurangi tectonic plate planet earth.

That’s near The Land of the Long White Cloud,” a robust democratic idyllic eco-friendly utopia; it’s truly the place to call home and raise a happy family.

I received the info on good authority; it is a paradise observant of democratic, environmental, and life forms rights substantiated but not limited to; their project target of 1 billion trees planted contributes significantly to the focus of reversing the impact of climate change; however, it wasn’t always that way but as they say, if it is broken fix it for “it’s the putting right that counts;” good old pragmatic philosophy spreading positive vibes the cosmos wide!

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